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General Terms of Use

pirdy’s ®️
Trademark registered at INPI
Registered site
Brand, domain name and company created and owned by Miss Jennifer ROBIN.

pirdy’s ®️
8A rue Georges Simenon
83400 Hyères

SIRET: 89098001400017
VAT: FR03890980014

The purpose of the site is to provide information concerning all the activities of the Pirdy’s company. The information indicated on the site is given as an indication, and is likely to evolve or be modified without notice. Furthermore, the information appearing on the site is given subject to modifications having been made since it was put online.

All rights reserved.
© Pirdy’s
© EC Graphics
© Emvilens

Any reproduction or representation on any medium whatsoever is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may engage the civil and criminal liability of its author. The reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is strictly prohibited, except with the prior written authorization issued by the company Pirdy’s.
Any unauthorized use of the site or one of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

In addition, the Company remains the owner of all intellectual property rights to the photographs, presentations, studies, drawings, models, prototypes, etc., produced (even at the request of the Customer) with a view to supplying the Products to the Customer. The Client is therefore prohibited from any reproduction or use of said studies, drawings, models and prototypes, etc., without the express, written and prior authorization of the Company, which may condition it on financial compensation, if necessary.

Any installation of hypertext links to one of the pages of this site is free, provided that they open a new window and are presented in an unequivocal manner in order to avoid:
– any risk of confusion between the citing site and this site,
– any tendentious presentation, or contrary to the laws in force.

The purpose of these T&Cs is to define the terms and conditions under which allows access to the website to users acting as consumers and/or non-professionals within the meaning of the introductory article of the Consumer Code ( hereinafter the “users”), from any computer terminal and from any country, as well as to distribute the mutual rights and obligations of the parties in this context. The purpose of the website is to offer the online sale of products for consumers and non-professional buyers. These T&Cs do not have the purpose or effect of governing the commercial relationship between Pirdy’s and users, nor the use in the strict sense of the products offered for sale by Pirdy’s, which are governed exclusively by the General Conditions of Sale and which are accessible on the Site.

The user is presumed to have full legal capacity.

These T&Cs are indivisible and their acceptance is valid for the whole. Under no circumstances may users unilaterally waive the application of one or more of its clauses, including any annexes. reserves the right to modify the content of the Website, as well as the terms of these T&Cs at any time. time and without having to justify it, since this modification is made necessary by a legitimate commercial or legal objective, without this being assimilated to a waiver by him of the whole. assumes no responsibility for any difficulties in accessing the Website, due to foreign legislation, connection difficulties, or any restriction beyond its control. Consultation and use of the Website is free; any additional costs borne by the User can in no way be blamed or borne by the Publisher. The Website is accessible on terminals with Internet access and an Internet browser.

In order to make purchases on the Website, the User must have an account. For the purpose of creating an account, the User must complete each field of the registration form by providing the following information: surname, first name, valid e-mail address and password that he chooses. The User can only associate one account with an e-mail address.

The User undertakes to provide sincere and accurate information in compliance with the regulations and legislation in force relating to the protection of personal data, intellectual property rights, and rights relating to respect for privacy. In addition, the User undertakes to keep the information relating to him up to date, through his Account. In the context of access to the Website and access to online purchasing operations, the User remains fully responsible for the actions of third parties who connect via his account. Connection identifiers (e-mail address and password) allow the User to identify themselves and connect to their account. These connection identifiers created by the User are personal and confidential. They can be modified, at any time, via the account, by the User. The User is entirely responsible for the use of the connection identifiers concerning him by him and by third parties, authorized or not.

Unless proven otherwise, any connection made using the User’s login credentials will be deemed to have been made personally by the latter. In this respect, the User has the possibility to ensure that at the end of each session, he can explicitly disconnect. In the event of loss, theft or accidental disclosure of his Login Identifiers, the User must inform the Publisher without delay, by post or may follow the “forgotten password” procedure.

The User will be prompted for a new password. Any loss, theft, misappropriation or unauthorized use of login credentials and their consequences are the responsibility of the User. Opening a new session using login credentials already in use will automatically close the first open session. The Publisher may, for the purposes of transparency, improving trust, or preventing or detecting fraud, set up a verification system for some of the information that the User provides on his account. The User undertakes to provide the Publisher with the supporting documents requested for verification purposes as soon as possible.

The user may decide to permanently delete his account at any time and without notice, by means of one of the following alternatives, by sending an e-mail or letter to Pirdy’s whose postal address and e-mail address appear at Section 1 hereof. Consequently, the User’s account will be permanently deleted.

In the event of a breach by a registered user of these T&Cs, his account may at any time be suspended as a precaution and then automatically terminated by The User whose account is suspended will be informed by Pirdy’s of this decision by sending a notification by e-mail. undertakes to provide and maintain the Website under optimal IT security conditions, under normal conditions of use. As a result, the latter cannot be held responsible for any form of computer attack suffered by the user that may have a direct or indirect link with his browsing on the Website. Fraudulent access to and/or fraudulent maintenance of the Website, liable to hinder its operation in any way whatsoever, as well as the introduction and/or modification of data contained therein, are strictly prohibited and are likely to result in prosecution.

For the proper use of the site and for the needs of certain services offered (in particular orders), information may be collected. The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he enters it himself. undertakes not to publish, exchange, transfer or assign to third parties the personal information of the user.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete personal data that you have communicated to us. You can exercise this right in your customer account or on the contact page of this site.

The commercial exploitation, by any unauthorized third party, of name(s) and distinctive sign(s) such as the trademark, domain name of the Website and the commercial sign of Pirdy’s, as well as any action having the object or effect of prejudicing Pirdy’s and by creating any form of confusion in the mind of the public, is likely to lead to prosecution for unfair competition and/or economic parasitism according to the procedures in force.

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